2 Corinthians 10![]() Our greatest accomplishments are the things done in God’s honor and for His Glory, by seeking only His approval and praise. That is the overriding message in 2 Corinthians 10. “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.” 2 Corinthians 10:17–18 (ESV) God spoke to the Prophet Jeremiah this way: “but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:24 Paul also brings an explanation for his tone in his letters to the Corinthians and key points of challenge and preparation, first and foremost, “Be like Christ!” He begins by explaining that boldness must be balanced with meekness, for God’s power is experienced in humility. Obviously, Paul exhibited much humility in his original stay with the Corinthians; however, their sin and his knowledge of Satan’s destructive power, as well as, the being led by the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote with much more boldness and intensity. What Paul knew, and we should know, is that Satan is our enemy; not people held by his power. We often need reminded that Satan seeks to blind the minds of God’s people—Jesus’ followers. Satan seeks to fortify minds and blind humanity against God’s truth. It is also his goal to seduce minds from God’s love by posing questions much like those asked in the garden, when he appealed to Eve. Adam and Eve’s confusion and choices, caused by Satan, led us to where we’re are today, a people with the seed of sin living in us, to the place where we have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God—a place where we are all in need of a Savior. Thank the Lord that God loved us so much He sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for our sinfulness; to shed His blood by being crucified for us as a lamb and hung upon a Cross; for the shedding of His blood for the remission of our sin or to pay the price for our sin; and, to reconcile our separation and broken relationship with God the Father. And, what He asks of us is for us to receive Jesus, His Son, the perfect gift as sacrifice. What He asks of us is an admission to sin, belief and trust in Jesus Christ who gave freely His life as a sacrifice for our sin, and a confession that Jesus Christ is Lord. Paul gives some practical counsel for victory in spiritual warfare as well in these passages. “Use spiritual weapons” being the simple message. “Paul may have had in mind Joshua’s victory at Jericho (Josh. 6) when the walls came down because of Israel’s faith.” However, he might also been led to reference his Armor of God message to the Ephesians. (Ephesians 6:1–20). Be sure you are wearing the whole armor.” Warren Weirsbe Paul also reminds the Corinthians to keep their eyes on the Lord and accept the sphere of service God gave them. For us, we must understand that every Christian soldier must wear the Armor of God and fill our place and calling in His great Army. God has uniquely designed each of us with a purpose and a plan. And, Jesus has commanded us to make disciples that make disciples. If we are all following our orders, the church will win the battle before us. However, for me this day, God is calling me to seek God’s glory alone! How about you? How can you boast in the victories that God alone can gives this day? Have you put on the helmet of Salvation and are you walking in the shoes of peace? Are you wearing the whole Armor of God and seek to boldly live Christ-like lives, loving others, testifying to His power over Satan, and choosing to make disciples for the Glory of our Savior Jesus Christ? Today, let us boast only in the Lord Jesus and seek to honor Him for His Glory and His approval alone. This day, practice steadfast love, justice, and righteousness before others on the earth.
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Shan SmithJesus follower, Husband, Father, ISU-FCA Area Rep, NationsofCoaches Character Coach, TH Rex Chaplain Archives
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